Having signed up for my first Ironman, I knew I would need a coach. It was too overwhelming to do it on my own.There are many coaches in the DFW area, but after seeing Roberto speak at the Tri Shop, I knew he would be the perfect fit. It was important to me to know that if I was paying for a coach, that I would full have access to him during the entire training period, not just once a week or month like other programs. Training for an IM (especially my first), I had a lot of questions and fears, and I needed to know my coach was there to guide me through. Plus I needed flexibility in my training program due to my ever changing work schedule. I loved how Coach Roberto gave me my schedule week by week. This allowed me to focus on what was in front of me and not worry about what I would be doing the following week. All of my workouts were loaded into Training Peaks (TP), which made them very accessible via the TP app on my iPhone. After each workout, the data from my Garmin would upload into TP, where Roberto had access and could comment and provide immediate feedback. I really like working with TP because I knew someone was watching and it kept me honest. IM training is a very big time commitment, but the workouts Coach Roberto gave me were well balanced and very manageable. My training and race goals were to get to the start healthy (I did), execute the race that I trained for (I did) (Roberto gave me an excellent race plan), and finish (I did..12:48:06!). This simply would not have happened without Coach Roberto. I put my faith in him and he delivered! Hire him! Plus you will have a friend for life.
Leah Read
Saugus, Massachusetts

My top 3 goals upon starting the program with Coach Roberto were to complete 70.3 and 140.6 distance; multiple local triathlons and run races. Coach Roberto was able to help me work towards these goals by completing two Ironman races; more than Ten 70.3 races and even winning my age group in Branson 70.3 were I qualify for half Ironman distance world championships. I also finish top of my age group in multiples local triathlons.
The biggest tangible change I have noticed since beginning the program has been improved endurance, pacing and efficiency. The most significant overall change I have noticed has been faster swimmer; improved bike power as well as injury free running. I also never ever felt over trained or under trained. A great balance of training.
I would described Coach Roberto as: detailed; responsive; understanding on how to motivate me to improve my performance. I would recommend Coach Roberto to any (new or experienced) athlete looking to be more competitive or just improving individual results.
Roberto is an awesome coach. I learned so much from him in our 3 years together. We accomplished every goal that I had for myself with his guidance. Truly one of the best coaches around
Lora Stickney
McKinney, Texas

Mis metas al empezar a entrenar con Coach Roberto eran lograr una buena condición fÃsica, bajar de peso, y poder llegar a correr aunque fuera 5 km. Coach Roberto me ha ayudado con mis metas teniéndome paciencia, llevándome poco a poco, escuchando mis molestias o dudas y sobre todo, hablándome con la verdad.
Lo mas tangible que he notado desde que empecé el programa de entrenamiento ha sido una gran mejorÃa en mi condición fÃsica, ahora no solamente soy capaz de correr 5 km sino que ya hice mi primer medio maratón. Me siento bien, he bajado de peso y me he mantenido. El cambio mas significativo es que no me canso tanto y que mi ritmo cardÃaco ha bajado mucho.
Yo describirÃa a Roberto como una persona profesional, estudiosa, empática y que se preocupa por sus pupilos. Yo lo recomiendo para cualquier persona que quiera mejorar en su entrenamiento o a personas como yo que no tenÃan ni idea de lo que era hacer ejercicio.
Claudia Florencia
Queretaro, Mexico

Mis principales metas al iniciar mi entrenamiento en Febrero del 2015 eran primero mejorar mi salud volviendo al ejercicio constante, segundo completar un medio maratón y tercero realizar un triatlón olÃmpico.
Definitivamente Coach Roberto me ha ayudado a conseguir mis metas ya que desde entonces he podido realizar entrenamientos constantes con una programación semanal de acuerdo a mis necesidades y metas y con retroalimentación de cada una de mis sesiones por medio electrónico vÃa internet. Al dÃa de hoy 27 de octubre del 2015 ya he completado 2 medio maratones (San Diego Rockandroll y Atlas en Guadalajara) y una carrera de 10 K, este fin de semana realizaré mi primer Triatlón olÃmpico en Puerto Vallarta y ya tengo programado otro medio maratón para finales de noviembre en Puerto Vallarta.
Lo más tangible que he notado al iniciar mi programa de entrenamiento es correr y realizar ejercicio de acuerdo a mis condiciones, es decir, me estoy conociendo hasta donde puedo hacer las cosas y como debo hacerlas para ir mejorando. Antes cuando corrÃa y hacia todo sin un plan me costaba mucho trabajo conseguir avanzar, ahora el hecho de correr de acuerdo a mi HR y por tiempo todo a cambiado.
El cambio más significativo es el saber que con un buen plan y programa se pueden conseguir metas que antes eran muy poco probables.
Yo describirÃa a Roberto como un Coach que se compromete contigo y toma las metas de las personas como suyas. Siempre está disponible para cualquier ayuda y con el objetivo de que la salud es lo primero.
Yo lo recomiendo a todas las personas, no importa que lleven tiempo corriendo o sean corredores nuevos, el objetivo es el mismo lograr sus metas siempre pensando que la salud es lo primero.
Orlando Arreola
Guadalajara, Mexico